The Art of Storytelling

In most endeavours, storytelling is plays a key role in framing a narrative that drives a mission forward. Recognizing the importance of storytelling for non-profits, The Rockefeller Foundation helped establish Hatch, a new organization dedicated to help social impact organizations craft, curate, and share their stories. Hatch describes itself as a "concierge" that helps organizations leverage storytelling with the hopes of elevating their impact.

Hatch has created a 5-step, online toolkit to help non-profits curate their story. The toolkit is divided into 5 categories with the first one being devoted to "Strategy". The Strategy step helps organizations lay the foundation of their organization's narrative by identifying their target audience. Once the audience has been identified, users advance to the "Content" step. This section builds on the first step by helping organizations identify stories that will resonate with their intended audience. The third toolkit, "Evaluation", provides tools for tracking stories and narratives on social networks, which allows organizations to evaluate their goals and stories to see if they are reaching their intended audience. "Capacity", the fourth step, is intended to ensure that organizations are constantly evolving and adding content to their website. This step will ensure that storytelling is a priority for organizations. Once an organization has demonstrated their commitment to storytelling, they advance to "Platform", the final step. This section is divided into two parts to ensure that an organization's work is effectively reaching the intended audience. The first section illustrates how an organization should connect with their audience while the next section explains how audiences can connect with the organization.

Hatch can be an invaluable resource for smaller organizations that do not have the resources to hire marketing or public relations firms. If your organization uses Hatch to craft their narrative we'd love to hear from you!